There’s nothing that says we stand on our Two feet like your Own Website. It brings not only a sense of Professionalism to your Company, but shows your Clients you are ready for Business. Your Website is a digital representation of your Business, showcasing where it is and where it is going to, how well it can deliver and how to be contacted. Sounds Professional already don’t you think?!
On the Other Hand, with Social media, there’s a limit to how you can portray this image of Professionalism when you have to scroll down and sieve through information that you want to see and you don’t want to see… You know what I mean. That is just the start. Professionalism means complete control of appearance, usability and Information Dissemination.
When you think about it, you’ll find out that you are promoting your business on another Person’s website, that’s just what it is. They also get to set their rules and you have to abide by them. With your Own Website, you get to set your own Terms and you’re Own Rules. Make it how you want and grow to the Level of those Social Media Sites you follow.
Taking Ownership of your Online Space also makes your Business build Momentum and Retains it. A Momentum build is that of the Hype that Sites like Vine and MySpace had. Where people used those Social media platform to build their business and the Site ceased its Momentum. Today those Sites does not Exist. Having your own Website can make you build and own your Momentum moving into the Future, making you in Full control of your Companies growth.
Yes, this is the part I know you have been waiting for. I know you’ll be thinking to yourself, but Instagram is FREE, and having a website is Costly, and Yes it is, that is just the honest truth. Haven’t you heard the saying nothing is Free in Life?! It holds true to having a Free Platform.
Free means they get to own it and you don’t. Free means they create the Momentum and you don’t, Free means you have not paid the Cost of Doing Business and there are no Runaways from that. You have to pay the Cost of running a Successful Business, or else it will come back to bite you in the… ..End.
If you Invest in a Proper Medium for Business, it would be definitely worth it in the Long run and you will Learn along the way in Several ways you can Harness its true Potential for a Sustainable Business.
Information Accessibility:
As mentioned above, it is not Professional to be sieving through a Feed of Social Media for Information. Information should be cataloged, categorized, and structured for easy retrieval and dissemination. The medium to be customized in this Format is a Website.
In order for you to collect your Client’s Email listings and Data, Create Newsletters, Podcast stream, Enable items to be downloaded, portfolios and much more add-ons or plug-ins, can only be done with a website and not Social Media.
Before you say I’m Biased against Social Media, Let me still Stress that there are also Great benefits from it. What I would recommend is that you make them Work hand in hand in a harmonious ecosystem where one compliments the other.
Ideally, the Website should come First and well established, and then you can sign on to any social media to use as a marketing tool to drive Clients to your “Landing Page” which is your Website.
Always prioritize that the Website is Primary Hub and the Social Media is the Secondary. Put in this manner, you will see tremendous changes in your Business Etiquettes, Stratagem and Goals for a Better and more Sustainable business moving on.
Thank you for Reading. May you grow and Flourish.